What to do in Your Winter Garden

Ahhh, winter. This is such a sweet time of year, when things start to slow down and the rhythm of nature reminds us how important it is to take a quiet moment to turn inward and prepare for what’s ahead.

And for gardeners, it’s also a time when we might be wondering, “So…what should I be doing now?”

Though I encourage you to take this time and enjoy less doing and more being, you can —and should!— still tend to your garden even in wintertime.

Here are a few ideas of what to do right now:

  • Work on any projects that took a back burner during the fall planting season - transplanting large plants, repotting plants, installing irrigation systems, constructing arbors or trellises - the list goes on!

  • Collect bagged leaves to start a stockpile to be used all year long. Check out this great article from the Wild Seed Project called Leave the Leaves: Rethink Garden Cleanup. It gives ideas on how to manage all those leaves, why to not cut back perennial flower stems, and how to use stick clean up to make garden art

  • Have your frost protection supplies ready to go

  • Mulch your garden plants to keep heat in the soil for better growth

  • Keep the weeds plucked ~ weed growth is slowing this time of year, but make sure you do not let any go to seed


Hopefully that gets you inspired to stay active in the garden, even as the temperatures drop!

P.S. did you know that I send out a curated guide (twice monthly) to our Garden Growers Club members, detailing exactly what to be doing in the garden at that time? The above list just scratches the surface ;) Our members never have to wonder what to plant, when or how to harvest…click below to learn more about benefits of the GGC!


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How to Prepare Your Garden for Frost or Freeze